Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in SREX chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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Freeman, P.K., L. Martin, R. Mechler, K. Warner, with P. Hausman, 2002: Catastrophes and Development, Integrating Natural Catastrophes into Development Planning. World Bank Disaster Risk Management Working Paper Series No. 4, World Bank, Washington, DC, 64 pp.
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Frew, S.L., 2002: Public Awareness and Social Marketing. Proceedings of a workshop, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Regional Workshop on Best Practices in Disaster Management, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 381-93.
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Fuchs, R., 2009: Cities at Risk: Developing Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change in Asia's Coastal Megacities. International START Secretariat and the East West Center, Washington DC. and Honolulu, HI.
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Fugate, W.C. and C. Crist, 2008: Florida Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program. Report to the Florida Legislature, Florida Division of Emergency Management, Tallahassee, FL,

Furgal, C. and T. Prowse, 2008: Northern Canada. In: From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007 [Lemmen, D., F. Warren, E. Bush, and J. Lacroix (eds.)]. Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 57-118.
   • This reproduction is a copy of an official work that is published by the Government of Canada. The reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the Government of Canada.
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Füssel, H.-M., 2005: Vulnerability to climate change: a comprehensive conceptual framework. University of California International and Area Studies Breslauer Symposium Paper 6, Berkeley, CA, 36 pp.
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Gagnon-Lebrun, F. and S. Agrawala, 2006: Progress on Adaptation to Climate Change in Developed Countries: An Analysis of Broad Trends. OECD, Paris, France, 11 pp.
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García, A., R.M.C. Norland, and K. Méndez Estrada, 2006: Características e impacto socioeconómico de los huracanes “Stan” y “Wilma” en la República Mexicana en 2005. Secretaria de Gobernación, Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres, Mexico.
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Gavriliev, P.P., and P.V. Efremov, 2003: Effects of cryogenic processes on Yakutian landscapes under climate warming. In: Permafrost [Philips, M., S.M. Springman, and L.U. Arenson (eds.)]. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich, Switzerland, 21-25 July 2003, Balkema, The Netherlands, pp. 277-282.
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GECHS, 2000: Science Plan: Global Environmental Change and Human Security Project. IHDP Report 11, International Human Dimensions Programme, Bonn, Germany, 60 pp.
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GEF, 2006: Sustainable Land Management in Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. Global Environment Facility, Washington, DC,
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GEF, 2008: Report on the Completion of the Strategic Priority on Adaptation. GEF/C.34/8, Global Environment Facility, Washington, DC, Report on the Completion of the SPA.pdf.
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GEF, 2009: Report of the GEF to the Fifteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. FCCC/CP/2009/9, UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany,
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GEF, 2010: Report of the GEF to the Sixteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. FCCC/CP/2010/5, UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany,
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GEF, 2010: Status Report on the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund. GEF/LDCF.SCCF.9/Inf.2/Rev.2, Global Environment Facility, Washington, DC, Report on the Climate Change Funds - Oct 8, 2010-Rev2.pdf.
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Geiser, U. and S. Rist, 2009: Decentralization meets local complexity: Conceptual entry points, field-level findings, and insights gained. In: Decentralization meets local complexity: Local struggles, state decentralization and access to natural resources in South Asia and Latin America [Geiser, U. and S. Rist(eds.)]. Geographica Bernesia/Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, Berne, Switzerland, pp. 15-55.
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German Federal Government, 2008: German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. Adopted by the German Federal Cabinet on 17 December 2008, The Federal Government, Berlin, Germany,

GFDRR, 2010: Partnership Charter. Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Washington, DC,
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GFDRR, 2011: Disaster Risk Management Programs for Priority Countries. Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, Washington, DC,
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Ghesquiere, F., L. Jamin, and O. Mahul, 2006: Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Program in Colombia: A Probabilistic Cost-Benefit Analysis. Policy Research Working Paper 3939, World Bank, Washington, DC, 22 pp.
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Ghesquiere, F., O. Mahul, M. Forni, and R. Gartley, 2006: Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility: A solution to the short-term liquidity needs of small island states in the aftermath of natural disasters. IAT03-13/3, World Bank, Washington, DC.
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Gigli, S. and S. Agrawala, 2007: Stocktaking on Progress on Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change into Development Co-operation Activities. COM/ENV/EPOC/DCD/DAC(2007)1/FINAL, Environment Directorate and Development Co-operation Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France, 74 pp.
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Glantz, M.H., 2004: Usable Science 8: Early Warning Systems: Do's and Don'ts. Report of the Workshop held 20-23 October 2003 in Shanghai, China, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO.
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Glantz, M.H., 2007: How about a spare-time university? WMO Bulletin, 56(2), 1-6.
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GNDR, 2009 : Clouds but Little Rain: Views from the Frontline - A local perspective of progress towards implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction, Teddington, UK, 64 pp.
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