AR5 - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability : Non-Journal Literature Library
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in AR5 chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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KPMG International, 2008: Climate Changes Your Business: KPMG’s Review of the Business Risks and Economic Impacts at Sector Level. KPMG International, Amstelveen, Netherlands, 76 pp.
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Kreeger, D., J. Adkins, P. Cole, R. Najjar, D. Velinsky, P. Conolly, and J. Kraeuter, 2010: Climate Change and the Delaware Estuary: Three Case Studies in Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning. PDE Report No. 10-01, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Wilmington, DE, USA, 118 pp., Change and the Delaware Estuary_PDE-10-01.pdf.
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Krieger, D.J., 2001: The Economic Value of Forest Ecosystem Services: A Review. The Wilderness Society, Washington, DC, USA, 31 pp.
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Kriegler, E., B.C. O'Neill, S. Hallegatte, T. Kram, R.H. Moss, R. Lempert, and T.J. Wilbanks, 2010: Socio-Economic Scenario Development for Climate Change Analysis. CIRED Working Paper, DT/WPNo 2010‐23, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED), CIRED, Nogent-sur-Marne, France, 35 pp.
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Krishnamurty, J., 2011: Employment Policies and Disaster Risk Reduction. Contributing Paper prepared for the 2011 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, Chapter 6, under a contract with the Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction of the International Labour Office (ILO), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), UNISDR, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 pp.
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Kristjanson, P., A. Waters-Bayer, N. Johnson, A. Tipilda, J. Njuki, I. Baltenweck, D. Grace, and S. MacMillan, 2010: Livestock and Women’s Livelihoods: A Review of the Recent Evidence. Discussion Paper No. 20, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya, 30 pp.
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Kulendran, N. and L. Dwyer, 2010: Seasonal Variation versus Climate Variation for Australian Tourism. Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC), Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 27 pp.
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Kumar, A., 2010: A Review of Human Development Trends in South Asia: 1990-2009. Human Development Reports Research Paper No. 2010/44, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, NY, USA, 52 pp.
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Kumar, N. and A.R. Quisumbing, 2011: Gendered Impacts of the 2007-08 Food Price Crisis: Evidence Using Panel Data from Rural Ethiopia. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01093, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Poverty, Health, and Nutrition Division, Washington, DC, USA, 24 pp.
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Kundzewicz, Z.W., 2011: Comparative assessment: fact or fiction? In: Proceedings of the Workshop, “Including Climate Change in Hydrologic Design,” November 21, 2011, Washington, DC, USA, Session 3. Organized by The World Bank, the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and Conservation International, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC, USA, 17 pp.,
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   • The World Bank: The World Bank authorizes the use of this material subject to the terms and conditions on its website,
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Kurien, J. and R. Willmann, 2009: Special considerations for small-scale fisheries management in developing countries. In: A Fishery Manager's Guidebook [Cochrane, K. and S.M. Garcia (eds.)]. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy and Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 404-424.
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Kurtz, S., J. Granata, and M. Quintana, 2009: Photovoltaic reliability R&D toward a solar-powered world. In: Proceedings of SPIE: Reliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems II [Dhere, N.G., J.H. Wohlgemuth, and D.T. Ton (eds.)]. Proceedings of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), Vol. 7412, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, Article No. 7412 0Z, doi:10.1117/ 12.825649.
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Kurukulasuriya, P. and R. Mendelsohn, 2007: Crop Selection: Adapting to Climate Change in Africa. Policy Research Working Paper No. 4307, the Sustainable Rural and Urban Development Team, Development Research Group, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 27 pp.
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Laczko, F. and C. Aghazarm, 2009: Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Assessing the Evidence. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva, Switzerland, 441 pp.
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Laczko, F. and C. Aghazarm, 2009: Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Assessing the Evidence. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva, Switzerland, 441 pp.
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Läderach, P., A. Eitzinger, A. Martinez, and N. Castro, 2011: Predicting the Impact of Climate Change on Cashew Growing Regions in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Programme (CCAFS) and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CIAT, Managua, Nicaragua, 29 pp.
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Läderach, P., A. Eitzinger, A. Martinez, and N. Castro, 2011c: Predicting the Impact of Climate Change on the Cocoa-Growing Regions in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Programme (CCAFS) and International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CIAT, Managua, Nicaragua, 29 pp.
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Läderach, P., A. Eitzinger, O. Ovalle, J. Ramirez, and A. Jarvis, 2010: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Kenyan Coffee Sector: Final Report. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia, 42 pp.
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Laderach, P., J. Haggar, C. Lau, A. Eitzinger, O. Ovalle, M. Baca, A. Jarvis, and M. Lundy, 2010: Mesoamerican Coffee: Building a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. CIAT Policy Brief, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CIAT, Cali, Colombia, 4 pp.
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Lafontaine, A., Adejuwon J.O., P.N. Dearden, and G. Quesne, 2012: Final Evaluation of the IDRC/DFID Climate Change Adaptation in Africa Programme: Final Report. Report prepared for the UK Department for International Development (DFID), DFID, London, UK, 111 pp.
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Lalande, F., S. Legrain, A.-J. Valleron, and D. Meyniel, 2003: Mission d’Expertise et d’Évaluation du Système de Santé pendant la Canicule 2003. Ministère de la Santé, de la Famille, et des Personnes Handicapées, Paris, France, 174 pp.
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Lall S.V. and U. Deichmann, 2010: Density and Disasters: Economics of Urban Hazard Risk. Policy Research Working Paper 5161, the Finance, Economics, and Urban Development Department and the Environment and Energy Team, Development Research Group, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, 48 pp.
   • © World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0.
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Lambrou, Y. and G. Paina, 2006: Gender: The Missing Component of the Response to Climate Change. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), FAO, Rome, Italy, 44 pp.
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Lamhauge, N., E. Lanzi, and S. Agrawala, 2011: Monitoring and Evaluation for Adaptation: Lessons from Development Co-operation Agencies. OECD Environment Working Paper No. 38, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Publishing, Paris, France, 49 pp.
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Lampis, A., 2010: Challenges to adaptation for risk-prone coastal livelihoods in Tumaco, Pacific Coast (Colombia). UGEC Viewpoints, No. 3, March 2010, 18- 22.
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