AR5 - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability : Non-Journal Literature Library
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in AR5 chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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Pecl, G., S. Frusher, C. Gardner, M. Haward, A. Hobday, S. Jennings, M. Nursey-Bray, A. Punt, H. Revill, and I. van Putten, 2009: The East Coast Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishery – Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Response Options. Report to the Department of Climate Change (DCC), DCC, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 100 pp.
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Penny, G. and D. King, 2010: Transfer of Renewable Energy Technology Systems to Rural Māori Communities. NIWA Client Report No. AKL2007-051, Prepared for the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST) by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), FRST, Wellington, New Zealand, 59 pp.
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PMSEIC, 2010a: Australia and Food Security in a Changing World: Can We Feed Ourselves and Help Feed the World in the Future? Report prepared by the independent PMSEIC Expert Working Group on Food Security for the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC), PMSEIC, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 80 pp.
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PMSEIC, 2010b: Challenges at Energy-Water-Carbon Intersections. Report prepared by the independent PMSEIC Expert Working Group on Food Security for the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC), PMSEIC, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 76 pp.
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Polglase, P., A. Reeson, C. Hawkins, K. Paul, A. Siggins, J. Turner, D. Crawford, T. Jovanovic, T. Hobbs, K. Opie, J. Carwardine, and A. Almeida, 2011: Opportunities for Carbon Forestry in Australia: Economic Assessment and Constraints to Implementation. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Canberra, ACT, Australia, 24 pp.
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Poot, J., 2009: Trans-Tasman Migration, Transnationalism and Economic Development in Australasia. Motu Working Paper 09-05, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 pp.
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Preston, B. and M. Stafford-Smith, 2009: Framing Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity Assessment: Discussion Paper. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Working Paper No. 2, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Canberra, ACT, Australia, 52 pp.
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Preston, B., T.F. Smith, C. Brooke, R. Gorddard, T. Measham, G. Withycombe, B. Beveridge, C. Morrison, K. McInnes, and D. Abbs, 2008: Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability in the Sydney Coastal Councils Group. Report prepared by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) for the Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG) and Australian Government Department of Climate Change (DCC), SCCG Inc., Sydney, NSW, Australia, 117 pp.
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Productivity Commission, 2012: Barriers to Effective Climate Change Adaptation. Inquiry Report No. 59, Final Inquiry Report, Productivity Commission, Canberra Office, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 385 pp.
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PwC, 2011: Economic Impact of Queensland’s Natural Disasters. March 2011. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Sydney, NSW, Australia, 5 pp.
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QFCI, 2012: Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry: Final Report. Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry (QFCI), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 654 pp.
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QRC, 2011: Queensland Resources Council Submission to Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. Queensland Resources Council (QRC), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 43 pp.
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Queensland Government, 2011: Understanding Floods: Questions and Answers. Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 36 pp.
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Quiggin, J., D. Adamson, P. Schrobback, and S. Chambers, 2008: The Implications for Irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin. Paper prepared for the Garnaut Climate Change Review, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 59 pp.
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QUT, 2010: Impacts and Adaptation Response of Infrastructure and Communities to Heatwaves: The Southern Australian Experience of 2009. CRICOS No. 00213J, Prepared for the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) by the Institute for Sustainable Resources, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Monash University and the University of Southern Queensland with contributions from Access Macquaire Ltd. and the Royal Melbourne Insititute of Technology, NCCARF, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 153 pp.
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Rajanayaka, C., J. Donaggio, and H. McEwan, 2010: Update of Water Allocation Data and Estimate of Actual Water Use of Consented Takes 2009-10. Report No. H10002/3, October 2010, Prepared for the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) by Aqualinc Research Ltd., MfE, Wellington, New Zealand, 118 pp.
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Randall, A., T. Capon, T. Sanderson, D. Merrett, and G. Hertzler, 2012: Making Decisions under the Risks and Uncertainties of Future Climates. Final report for the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 66 pp.
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RBA, 2006: Statement on Monetary Policy – November 2006. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Canberra, ACT, Australia, 59 pp.
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RBA, 2011: Box B: an update on the impact of natural disasters in Queensland. In: Statement on Monetary Policy – May 2011. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 40-44.
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Reisinger, A., B. Mullan, M.R. Manning, D. Wratt, and R. Nottage, 2010: Global and local climate change scenarios to support adaptation in New Zealand. In: Climate Change Adaptation in New Zealand: Future Scenarios and Some Sectoral Perspectives [Nottage, R., D. Wratt, J. Bornman, and K. Jones (eds.)]. New Zealand Climate Change Centre, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 26-43.
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Reisinger, A., P. Havlik, K. Riahi, O. Vliet, M. Obersteiner, and M. Herrero, 2012: Implications of alternative metrics for global mitigation costs and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Climatic Change, 117(4), 677-690.
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Reser, J.P., G.L. Bradley, A.I. Glendon, M.C. Ellul, and R. Callaghan, 2012: Public Risk Perceptions, Understandings and Responses to Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Australia, 2010 and 2011: Final Report. Report prepared by Griffith University, School of Psychology, Behavioural Basis of Health, Griffith Climate Change Response Program (GCCRP), National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), NCCARF, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 245 pp.
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Reser, J.P., G.L. Bradley, A.I. Glendon, M.C. Ellul, and R. Callaghan, 2012: Public Risk Perceptions, Understandings and Responses to Climate Change and Natural Disasters in Australia, 2010 and 2011: Final Report. Report prepared by Griffith University, School of Psychology, Behavioural Basis of Health, Griffith Climate Change Response Program (GCCRP), National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), NCCARF, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 245 pp.
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Reside, A.E., J. Van Der Wal, B.L. Phillips, L.P. Shoo, D.F. Rosauer, B.J. Anderson, J.A. Welbergen, C. Moritz, S. Ferrier, T.D. Harwood, K.J. Williams, Brendan Mackey, S. Hugh, and S.E. Williams, 2013: Climate Change Refugia for Terrestrial Biodiversity: Defining Areas that Promote Species Persistence and Ecosystem Resilience in the Face of Global Climate Change: Final Report. Prepared by James Cook University, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 216 pp.
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Rhodes, B.G., J.E. Fagan, and K.S. Tan, 2012: Responding to a rapid climate shift – experiences from Melbourne, Australia. In: IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, 13-18 May 2012, Dublin, Ireland. Organized by the International Water Association (IWA), Dublin, Ireland,
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