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Your search for climate change found 285 results.

Chapter uncertainties: non-CO2 forcing agents

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Chapter 22.2

2.2.1Geophysical Characteristics of Mitigation Pathways

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Chapter temporarily exceeding 1.5°C

… as 1.5°C pathways, but qualified by the amount of the temperature overshoot, which can have a substantial impact on irreversible climate change impacts (Mathesius et al., 2015; Tokarska and Zickfeld, 2015).

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Chapter versus human-induced warming and warming rates

… to human activities. Mitigation studies focus on human-induced warming (that is not subject to internal climate variability), while studies of climate change impacts typically refer to total warming (often with the impact of internal variability minimised through the use of multi-decade averages). In …

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Chapter of reference period

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Chapter 11.2

1.2.1Working Definitions of 1.5°C and 2°C Warming Relative to Pre-Industrial Levels

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Chapter 11.1 Assessing the Knowledge Base for a 1.5°C Warmer World

1.1.3Sustainable Development and a 1.5°C Warmer World

… growth from GHG emissions. Progress towards limiting warming to 1.5°C requires a significant acceleration of this trend. AR5 concluded that climate change constrains possible development paths, that synergies and trade-offs exist between climate responses and socio-economic contexts, and that opportunities for effective …

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Chapter 11.1 Assessing the Knowledge Base for a 1.5°C Warmer World

1.1.2Eradication of Poverty

… assesses the role of poverty and its eradication in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change and sustainable development. A wide range of definitions for poverty exist. The AR5 discussed ‘poverty’ in terms of its multidimensionality, …

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Chapter 11.1 Assessing the Knowledge Base for a 1.5°C Warmer World

1.1.1Equity and a 1.5°C Warmer World

… context of broader international goals of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Equity is a long-standing principle within international law and climate change law in particular (Shelton, 2008; Bodansky et al., 2017). The AR5 describes equity as having three dimensions: intergenerational (fairness between …

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Box 1.1 The Anthropocene: Strengthening the Global Response to 1.5°C Global Warming


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