Figure 2.19
(a) Global final energy, (b) direct CO2 emissions from the all energy demand sectors, (c) carbon intensity, and (d) structure of final energy (electricity, liquid fuel, coal, and biomass).
(a) Global final energy, (b) direct CO2 emissions from the all energy demand sectors, (c) carbon intensity, and (d) structure of final energy (electricity, liquid fuel, coal, and biomass).
The squares and circles indicate the IAM archetype pathways and diamonds indicate the data of sectoral scenarios. The red dotted line indicates the 2010 level. H2DS = Higher-2°C, L2DS = Lower-2°C, 1.5DS-H = 1.5°C-high-OS, 1.5DS-L = 1.5°C-low-OS. The label 1.5DS combines both high and low overshoot 1.5°C-consistent pathway. See Section 2.1 for descriptions.
Original Creation for this Report using IAMC 1.5°C Scenario Data hosted by IIASA