Figure 2.2
Changes and uncertainties in effective radiative forcings (ERF) for one 1.5°C-consistent pathway (SSP2-19) as estimated by MAGICC and FAIR.
Changes and uncertainties in effective radiative forcings (ERF) for one 1.5°C-consistent pathway (SSP2-19) as estimated by MAGICC and FAIR.
The lines are indicative of the total effective radiative forcing from all anthropogenic sources (solid lines) and for non-CO2 agents only (dashed lines), as represented by MAGICC (red) and FAIR (blue) relative to 2010, respectively. Vertical bars show the mean radiative forcing as predicted by MAGICC and FAIR of relevant non-CO2 agents for year 2030, 2050 and 2100. The vertical lines give the uncertainty (1 standard deviation) of the ERFs for the represented species.
Original Creation for this Report using the SR15 scenario database