Figure 7.7 | Estimated global mean agricultural CH4 (top), N2O (middle) and aggregated CH4 and N2O (using CO2-eq according to GWP100 AR6 values). (Bottom) emissions for three decades according to EDGAR v6.0 (Crippa et al. 2021), FAOSTAT (FAO 2021a) and USEPA (USEPA 2019) databases. Latest versions of databases indicate historic emissions to 2019, 2019 and 2015 respectively, with average values for the post–2010 period calculated accordingly. For CH4, emissions classified as ‘Other Ag.’ within USEPA data, are re-classified as ‘Agricultural Biomass Burning’. Despite CH4 emissions from agricultural soils also being included, this category was deemed to principally concern biomass burning on agricultural land and classified accordingly. For N2O, emissions classified within EDGAR as direct and indirect emissions from managed soils, and indirect emissions from manure management are combined under ‘Agricultural Soils’. Emissions classified by FOASTAT as from manure deposition and application to soils, crop residues, drainage of organic soils and synthetic fertilisers are combined under ‘Agricultural Soils’, while emissions reported as ‘Other Ag.’ under USEPA data are re-classified as ‘Agricultural Biomass Burning’.