Box 7.5, Figure 1 | Potential mitigation mechanisms and associated management practices. N = nitrogen, SOM = soil organic matter, LUC = land-use change. a The farming system approaches outlined are not necessarily mutually exclusive. b Only agricultural emissions are considered. Mitigation may also result from reduced production of fertilisers and agrochemicals. c Reduced emissions intensity per unit of milk/meat will only result in a reduction in absolute emissions where increased productivity facilitates a reduction in animal numbers. 1 = Altieri et al. 2015; 2 = Altieri and Nicholls 2017; 3 = Powlson et al. 2016; 4 = Corbeels et al. 2019; 5 = Lal 2015; 6 = Gonzalez-Sanchez et al. 2019; 7 = Thierfelder et al. 2017; 8 = Hendrickson et al. 2008; 9 = Weindl et al. 2015; 10 = Thornton and Herrero 2015; 11 = Lal al. 2020; 12 = Scialabba and Müller–Lindenlauf 2010; 13 = Goh 2011; 14 = IFOAM 2016.