Figure 10.4 | Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions intensities for mid-sized light-duty vehicle and fuel technologies from the literature. The primary x-axis reports units in gCO2-eq vkm–1, assuming a vehicle life of 180,000 km. The secondary x-axis uses units of gCO2-eq pkm–1, assuming a 1.5 occupancy rate. The values in the figure rely on the 100-year GWP value embedded in the source data, which may differ slightly from the updated 100-year GWP values from WGI. The shaded area represents the interquartile range for combined vehicle manufacturing and end-of-life phases. The length of the box and whiskers represent the interquartile range of the operation phase for different fuel chains, while their placement on the x-axis represents the absolute lifecycle climate intensity, that is, includes manufacturing and end-of-life phases. Each individual marker indicates a data point. ‘Advanced biofuels’ refers to the use of second-generation biofuels and their respective conversion and cultivation emission factors. ‘IAM EMF33’ refers to emissions factors for advanced biofuels derived from simulation results from the integrated assessment models EMF33 scenarios. ‘PM’ refers to partial models, where ‘CLC’ is with constant land cover and ‘NRG’ is with natural regrowth. ‘Hydrogen, low-carbon electricity’ is produced via electrolysis using low-carbon electricity. ‘Hydrogen, natural gas SMR’ refers to fuels produced via steam methane reforming of natural gas.