Figure 3.1 | Estimated relative human dependence on marine ecosystems for coastal protection, nutrition, fisheries economic benefits and overall. Each bar represents an index value that semi-quantitatively integrates the magnitude, vulnerability to loss and substitutability of the benefit. Indices synthesize information on people’s consumption of marine protein and nutritional status, gross domestic product, fishing revenues, unemployment, education, governance and coastal characteristics. Overall dependence is the mean of the three index values after standardisation from 0–1. (Details regarding component indices are found in Table 1 and Supplementary Material of Selig et al., 2019.) The overall index does not include the economic benefits from tourism or other ocean industries, and data limitations prevented including artisanal or recreational fisheries or the protective impact of salt marshes (Selig et al., 2019). Values for reference regions established in the WGI AR6 Atlas (Gutiérrez et al., 2021) were computed as area-weighted means from original country-level data (Table S6 in Selig et al., 2019).