Yaqiang Wang

Yaqiang Wang

Senior Science Officer


Yaqiang Wang is a Professor at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS). He is mainly engages in artificial intelligence applications in meteorology, meteorological data information technology, and atmospheric environmental research. He has led multiple national-level scientific research projects, achieving significant research results in the physical and chemical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols, spatiotemporal distribution features, and numerical simulations. He has independently developed the meteorological GIS, scientific computing, and visualization software platform MeteoInfo, which has been widely applied. He has also established an innovative research team for artificial intelligence applications in meteorology, leading the team to make important progress in recent years in artificial intelligence extreme weather recognition, short-term forecasting, numerical model correction, solutions for imbalanced extreme weather sample problems, and climate diagnosis. He is also the head of the key innovation team for artificial intelligence meteorological science large models at the Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA). He has published more than a hundred academic papers, which have been widely cited.

Contact : yqwang@cma.gov.cn