Melissa Gomis

Senior Science Officer


Melissa Gomis started as Graphics Officer at the WGI TSU in June 2018. She worked on graphics and visuals of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C and produced related communication products. Working more and more within the science team, Melissa has been a Senior Science Officer since December 2020, coordinating a project on the visualization of uncertainty on maps and the co-design process of figures in the WGI AR6 Summary for Policymakers. As the author of the IPCC Visual Style Guide, Melissa provides direct support to WGI authors for creating understandable figures. Before joining the WGI TSU, Melissa worked for an international consulting firm as an environmental scientist. She holds a PhD from Stockholm University for which she investigated the human exposure to Perfluorinated substances. In parallel, she produced a film on the impact of clouds on Arctic climate.