Lei Li

Lei Li

Science Officer


Lei Li is an Associate Professor of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS). He earned his Ph.D. in Earth Science from University of Lille in France. His research focuses on the retrievals of aerosol optical and chemical properties from multi-source remote sensing measurements (e.g., satellite, Lidar, ground-based sun photometer) as well as their impacts on climate and environment. He has made significant progress in the key technology for quantitative inversion of aerosol component concentrations from remote sensing observations. The aerosol component algorithm has been applied to POLDER/PARASOL, DPC/GF-5, and AERONET measurements. A new value-added aerosol components concentration dataset (including black carbon, brown carbon, organic carbon, absorbing and scattering mineral dust) with high spatiotemporal resolution has been inverted from measurements and the products are publicly available to everyone. The aerosol component dataset is expected to be useful for improving global aerosol emissions and component-resolved radiative forcing estimations. He has led three research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and participated in several major research projects. Lei Li has published over 50 SCI-indexed papers (over 1500 citations). Lei Li, as a member of the Youth Working Group, also works in the Chinese National Committee (CNC) for the International Association of Meteorological and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS).

Contact : lilei@cma.gov.cn