Expert Meeting on Climate Change, Food, and Agriculture

This report considers assessment across the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), as well as the most compelling new research since the publication of the AR5. Participants drawn from around the world discussed options for future IPCC work. The Expert Meeting consisted of a combination of presentations and discussion sessions. The meeting addressed food production and food security in a changing climate, including climate change risks for food production and interactions with mitigation, adaptation, and development. Land-use trends and non-production aspects of food security, including future demand for food and post-harvest components of food systems were examined. The meeting also examined policy responses, including mitigation and adaptation options with the potential to enhance food security or create competition for land and water. The Republic of Ireland generously hosted the meeting in Dublin

File size
October 3, 2014
461 KB
Meeting report
May 29, 2015
2.2 MB