Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in SREX chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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SCSCDD, 2008: Percepção de risco, a descoberta de um novo olhar. Santa Catarina State Civil Defence Department, Florianópolis, Brazil. Supplement of EIRD Informa, 15, 2 pp.
   • The document can be accessed at:

SDC, 2008: Natural disaster risk management in Muminabad. SDC Project Fact Sheet CARITAS, Swiss Development Cooperation, Switzerland.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Seck, P., 2007: Links between Natural Disasters, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Perspective. United Nations Development Programme, New York, NY.
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SEEDS India, 2008: Reducing risk in poor urban areas to protect shelters, hard-won assets and livelihoods. In: Linking Disaster Risk Reduction and Poverty: Good Practices and Lessons Learnt [United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) (ed.)]. UNISDR, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 20-22.
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Sen, A, 2003: Human security now. Soka Gakkai International Quarterly, 33, 1-7.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Sénat. 2004. France and the French face the canicule: The lessons of a crisis. Information Report no. 195, Sénat, Paris, France, pp. 59-62 (in French),
   • The document, "France and the French response to the heat wave: lessons from a crisis," by Senators, Ms. Valerie LETARD, MM. Hilaire FLANDERS and Serge Lepeltier, can be accessed at
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Setiadi, N., 2011: Daily mobility – excursus Padang, Indonesia. In: Early Warning in the Context of Environmental Shocks: Demographic Change, Dynamic Exposure to Hazards, and the Role of EWS in Migration Flows and Human Displacement [Chang Seng, D. and J. Birkmann (eds.)]. Migration and Global Environmental Change, Foresight SR4b, Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Management and Adaptive Planning Section, United Nations University for Environment and Human Security, Government Office for Science, pp. 41-45.
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Sharma, A., 2009: Progress Review of National Platforms for DRR in the Asia and Pacific Region. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Bangkok, Thailand.
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Shaw, R., 2006: Community-based climate change adaptation in Vietnam: Inter-linkages of environment, disaster, and human security. In: Multiple dimension of global environmental changes [Sonack, S. (ed.)]. TERI Publication, Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, India, pp. 521-547.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Shepherd, G. (ed.), 2008: The Ecosystem Approach: Learning from Experience. World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.
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Shepherd, G., 2004: The Ecosystem Approach: Five Steps to Implementation. World Conservation Union (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.
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Sherstyukov, A.B., 2009: Climate Change and Its Impact in the Russian Permafrost Zone. RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk, Russia, 127 pp.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Shugart, H., R. Sedjo, and B. Sohngen, 2003: Forests and Global Climate Change: Potential Impacts on U.S. Forest Resources. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA.
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Sidley, P., 2000; Malaria epidemic expected in Mozambique. BMJ, 320, 669.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Sietz, D., M. Boschütz, R.J.T. Klein, and A. Lotsch, 2008: Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation into Development Assistance in Mozambique: Institutional Barriers and Opportunities. Policy Research Working Paper 4711, World Bank, Washington, DC.
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Silvestri, S. and F. Kershaw (eds.), 2010: Framing the flow: Innovative Approaches to Understand, Protect and Value Ecosystem Services across Linked Habitats. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK, 66 pp.
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Skees, J., 2001: The bad harvest: More crop insurance reform: A good idea gone awry. Regulation: The CATO Review of Business and Government, 24, 16-21.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Skees, J.R. and A. Enkh-Amgalan, 2002: Examining the feasibility of livestock insurance in Mongolia. World Bank Working Paper 2886, World Bank, Washington, DC.
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Slim, H., 2006: Global welfare: A realistic expectation for the international humanitarian system? In: ALNAP Review of Humanitarian Action: Evaluation Utilisation [Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ed.)]. Overseas Development Institute, London, UK,
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Smith, D.E, S.B. Raper, S. Zerbini, and A. Sánchez-Arcilla (eds.), 2000: Sea Level Change and Coastal Processes: Implications for Europe. Proceedings of the Climate change and Sea level research in Europe: State of the art and future research needs Conference, Mataro, Spain, April 1997. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 247 pp.
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Smith, D.M. and S. Barchiesi, 2009: Environment as infrastructure: resilience to climate change impacts on water through investments in nature. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland, 13 pp.
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Smith, S.K. and C. McCarty, 2006: Florida's 2004 hurricane season: Demographic response and recovery. In: Proceedings of Southern demographic association meeting, Durham, NC, 2-4 Nov 2006.
   • The document can be accessed at:

SOPAC, and UNEP, 2005: Building Resilience in SIDS: The Environmental Vulnerability Index. South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission, Suva, Fiji.
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Soussan, J. and I. Burton, 2002: Adapt and thrive: Combining adaptation to climate change, disaster mitigation, and natural resources management in a new approach to the reduction of vulnerability and poverty. In: UNDP Expert Group Meeting, Integrating Disaster Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change, Havana, Cuba, 17-19 June 2002. United Nations Development Programme, Havana, Cuba.
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Sowers, J. and E. Weinthal, 2010: Climate Change Adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Working Paper No. 2, Dubai Initiative, Dubai School of Government, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
   • The document can be accessed at:

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