Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in SREX chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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McCarl, B.A., 2007: Adaptation Options for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. A Report to the UNFCCC Secretariat Financial and Technical Support Division, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany.
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McGray, H., A. Hammill, R. Bradley, E.L. Schipper, and J.-E. Parry, 2007: Weathering the Storm: Options for Framing Adaptation and Development. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 57 pp.
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McKenzie, E., B. Prasad, and A. Kaloumaira, 2005: Economic Impact of Natural Disasters on Development in the Pacific. Volume I. SOPAC and USP, Suva, Fiji.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Mechler, R., 2004: Natural Disaster Risk Management and Financing Disaster Losses in Developing Countries. Verlag für Versicherungswirtschaft, Germany.

Mechler, R., J. Linnerooth-Bayer, and D. Peppiatt, 2006: Microinsurance for Natural Disasters in Developing Countries: Benefits, Limitations and Viability. ProVention Consortium and IIASA, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Mills, E., 2006: Testimony to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The Role of NAIC in responding to climate change. UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 26(1), 129-168.
   • The document can be accessed at:

Mitchell, T. and M. van Aalst, 2008: Convergence of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. A Review for DFID 31st October 2008. Department for International Development (DFID), London, UK,
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Mitchell, T. and S. Maxwell, 2010: Defining Climate Compatible Development. Policy Brief, Climate and Development Knowledge Network, London, UK.
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Mitchell, T., M. Ibrahim, K. Harris, M. Hedger, E. Polack, A. Ahmed, N. Hall, K. Hawrylyshyn, K. Nightingale, M. Onyango, M. Adow, and M. Sajjad, 2010: Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management. Strengthening Climate Resilience. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
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Mitchell, T., M. van Aalst, and P.S. Villanueva, 2010: Assessing Progress on Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Development Processes. Strengthening Climate Resilience Discussion Papers, 2, Strengthening Climate Resilience, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
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MMM, 2005: Finland’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Helsinki, Finland,
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Moench, M., R. Mechler, and S. Stapleton, 2007. Guidance note on the costs and benefits of disaster risk reduction. In: UNISDR High Level Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-7 June 2007. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 pp.
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Moser, C. and D. Satterthwaite, 2008: Towards Pro-Poor Adaptation to Climate Change in the Urban Centers of Low- and Middle-Income Countries. International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK.
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MOSSP, 2010: Draft National Policy for Disaster Management in Kenya. Ministry of State of Special Programs, Kenya,

Munich Re, 2005: Short Annual Report 2005: Paving the way for opportunities. Munich Re Group, Munich, Germany.
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Munich Re, 2011: Topics Geo: Natural Catastrophes 2010 – Analyses, Assessments, Positions. Munich Re, Munich, Germany.
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Murlidharan, T.L. and H.C. Shah, 2001: Catastrophes and macro-economic risk factors: An empirical study. In: Conference on Integrated Disaster Risk Management: Reducing Socio-Economic Vulnerability. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.
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Murray, B.C., W.A. Jenkins, S. Sifleet, L. Pendleton, and A. Baldera, 2010: Payment for Blue Carbon: Potential for Protecting Threatened Coastal Habitats. Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, Durham, NC.
   • The document can be accessed at:

National Platform for Kenya, 2009: Interim National Progress Report on Hyogo Framework for Action. Prepared for the UN Global Assessment Report 2009, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland,

Neufeldt, H., A. Wilkes, R.J. Zomer, J. Xu, E. Nang’ole, C. Munster, and F. Place, 2009: Trees on Farms: Tackling the Triple Challenges of Mitigation, Adaptation and Food Security. Policy Brief 07, World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya.
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Neumann, J., 2009: Adaptation to Climate Change: Revisiting Infrastructure Norms. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC.
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Nicholls, R.J., 2007: Adaptation Options for Coastal Areas and Infrastructure: An Analysis for 2030. Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UNFCCC, Bonn, Germany.
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NRTEE, 2009: True North: Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change in Northern Canada. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 160 pp.
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O’Brien, K., L. Sygna, R. Leichenko, W.N. Adger, J. Barnett, T. Mitchell, L. Schipper, T. Tanner, C. Vogel, and C. Mortreux, 2008: Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security. A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GECHS Report 2008:3, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 76 pp.
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OAS, 1991: Primer on Natural Hazard Management in Integrated Regional Development Planning. Organization of American States, Washington, DC.
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