AR5 - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability : Non-Journal Literature Library
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in AR5 chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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Chandy, L. and G. Gertz, 2011: Poverty in Numbers: The Changing State of Global Poverty from 2005 to 2015. Policy Brief 2011-01, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, USA, 23 pp.
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Chaum, M., J. Brown, B. Buchner, A. Falconer, C. Faris, K. Sierra, C. Trabacchi, and G. Wagner, 2011: Improving the Effectiveness of Climate Finance: Key Lessons. Brookings Institution, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), CPI, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15 pp.
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Chikapa, C., 2012: Impact of radio, cinema and vernacular publications in enhancing community based adaptation to climate change. In: Proceedings of “Communicating Community Based Adaptation,” Sixth International Conference on Community Based Adaptation, 16-22, April 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam, Session 22, Abstract 3. Organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development in the UK, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Vietnam, and the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, IIED, London, UK, p. 64.
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Chishakwe, N., L. Murray, and M. Chambwera, 2012: Building Climate Change Adaptation on Community Experiences: Lessons from Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Southern Africa. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, 126 pp.
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Chongvilaivan, A., 2012: Thailand’s 2011 Flooding: Its Impact on Direct Exports and Global Supply Chains. ARTNeT Working Paper Series, No 113, ARTNeT Secretariat, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Trade and Investment Division, Bangkok, Thailand, 33 pp.
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Christensen, K., S. Raihan, R. Ahsan, A.M.N. Uddin, C.S. Ahmed, and H. Wright, 2012: Ensuring Access for the Climate Vulnerable in Bangladesh: Financing Local Adaptation. ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB), Action Research for Community Adaptation in Bangladesh (ARCAB), Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), AAB, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 126 pp.
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Christensen, O.B., C.M. Goodess, I. Harris, and P. Watkiss, 2011: European and global climate change projections: discussion of climate change model outputs, scenarios and uncertainty in the EC RTD ClimateCost Project. In: The Climate Cost Project, Final Report. Volume 1: Europe [Watkiss, P. (ed.)]. Technical Policy Briefing Note 01, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden.
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Christiansen, L., A. Olhoff, and S. Traerup, 2011: Technologies for Adaptation: Perspectives and Practical Experiences. UNEP Risø Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development, Roskilde, Denmark, 123 pp.
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Christie, P. and M. Sommerkorn, 2012: RaCeR: Rapid Assessment of Circum-Arctic Ecosystem Resilience. WWF Global Arctic Programme, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Ottawa, Canada, 70 pp.
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CIAT, 2010: Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in the Kenyan Coffee Sector. Guide Book – Sangana PPP – 4C Climate Module, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Sangana Commodities Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya and The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Bonn, Germany, 42 pp
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CICC, 2009: Programa Especial de Cambio Climatico 2009-2012. Comisión Intersecretarial de Cambio Climatico (CICC), Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), Poder Ejecutivo Federal Méxicano, México, DF, México, 98 pp. (in Spanish),
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CICC, 2010: Marco de Políticas de Adaptación de Mediano Plazo. Elaborado en coordinación con Grupo de Trabajo de Adaptación (GT-Adapt), Comisión Intersecretarial de Cambio Climático (Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate Change), con el apoyo financiero y técnico del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), Gobierno Federal de México, México, DF, México, 54 pp. (in Spanish),
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CIDA, 2002: Gender Equality and Climate Change: Why Consider Gender Equality when taking Action on Climate Change? Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Gatineau, QC, Canada, 3 pp.
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CIESM, 2008: Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota. In: CIESM Workshop Monographs, No. 35 [Briand, F. (ed.)]. Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Méditerranée (CIESM) [The Mediterranean Science Commission], Monaco, 152 pp.
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CIFOR, 2011: Climate Change and Forests in the Congo Basin: Synergy between Adaptation and Mitigation. COBAM Project Information No. 1, Climate Change and Forests in the Congo Basin: Synergies between Adaptation and Mitigation (COBAM), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia, 2 pp.
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Cimato, F. and M. Mullan, 2010: Adapting to Climate Change: Analysing the Role of Government. DEFRA Evidence and Analysis Series Paper 1, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London, UK, 79 pp.
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City of Adelaide, 2012: The City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2012-2016. Adelaide City Council, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 28 pp.
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City of Boston, 2011: A Climate of Progress: City of Boston Climate Action Plan Update 2011. City of Boston, Boston, MA, USA, 43 pp.
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City of Cape Town, 2006: Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the City of Cape Town (FAC4T). City of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 66 pp.
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City of Chicago, 2008: Chicago Climate Action Plan 2008: Our City, Our Future. City of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, 56 pp.
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City of Chicago, 2008: Chicago Climate Action Plan: Our City, Our Future. City of Chicago, Chicago Climate Task Force (CCTF), Chicago, IL, USA, 56 pp.
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City of Chicago, 2010: Chicago Climate Change Action Plan 2010, Chicago Climate Action Plan Progress Report – First Two Years. City of Chicago, Department of Environment, Chicago, IL, USA, 13 pp.
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City of Melbourne, 2009: City of Melbourne Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Prepared by Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd., City of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 128 pp.
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City of Melbourne, 2009: Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. City of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 128 pp.
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City of New York, 2011: PlaNYC: A Greener, Greater New York. Update April 2011. City of New York, New York, NY, USA, 200 pp.
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