AR5 - Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability : Non-Journal Literature Library
This digital library, compiled as part of the IPCC review and drafting process, is a database of non-journal-based literature cited in AR5 chapters. The corresponding literature citations and/or the full text of underlying sources can be searched, for individual chapters or the report overall. Clicking on a chapter number lists citations for that chapter only, and the search field can be used to filter results by keyword for the selected chapter. The search query can be applied to the full text of documents by checking 'Include Full Text.' For each citation, the 'Download PDF' link provides access to the document if available. Standard querying conventions are supported.


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WCC, 2010: Wellington City’s 2010 Climate Change Action Plan. Wellington City Council (WCC), Wellington, New Zealand, 39 pp.
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Webb, B. and J.-L. Beh, 2013: Leading Adaptation Practices and Support Strategies for Australia: An International and Australian Review of Products and Tools. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 106 pp.
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Webster, T., J. Morison, N. Abel, E. Clark, L. Rippin, A. Herr, B. Taylor, and P. Stone, 2009: Irrigated agriculture: development opportunities and implications for northern Australia. In: Northern Australia Land and Water Science Review 2009. Report to the Northern Territories Land and Water Task Force coordinated by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Sustainable Agriculture Flagship, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 10-1 to 10-53.
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Westra, S., 2012: Adapting to Climate Change – Revising our Approach to Estimating Future Floods. University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 25 pp.
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Willis, T.J., S.J. Handley, F.H. Chang, C.S. Law, D.J. Morrisey, A.B. Mullan, M. Pinkerton, K.L. Rodgers, P.J.H. Sutton, and A. Tait, 2007: Climate Change and the New Zealand Marine Environment. NIWA Client Report NEL2007-025, Prepared for the Department of Conservation by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Wellington, New Zealand, 81 pp.
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Willsman, A., T. Chinn, J. Hendrikx, and A. Lorrey, 2010: New Zealand Glacier Monitoring: End of Summer Snowline Survey 2010. NIWA Client Report no. CHC2010-113, Prepared for the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology by National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Christchurch, New Zealand, 132 pp.
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Wilson, R. and S. Turton, 2011: Climate Change Adaptation Options, Tools and Vulnerability. Contribution of Work Package 4 to the Forest Vulnerability Assessment, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, Australia, 119 pp.
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Woods, R., A. Tait, B. Mullan, J. Hendrikx, and J. Diettrich, 2008: Projected Climate and River Flow for the Rangitata Catchment for 2040. NIWA Client Report: CHC2008-097, Prepared by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) for Aqualinc Research Ltd., NIWA, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28 pp.
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Woodward, A., S. Hales, and N. de Wet, 2001: Climate Change: Potential Effects on Human Health in New Zealand. Report prepared for the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) as part of the New Zealand Climate Change Programme, MfE, Wellington, New Zealand, 21 pp.
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Wratt, D., A.B. Mullan, A. Tait, R. Woods, T. Baisden, D. Giltrap, J. Hendy, and A. Stroombergen, 2008: Costs and Benefits of Climate Change and Adaptation to Climate Change in New Zealand Agriculture: What Do We Know So Far? Contract Report by the Ecoclimate Consortium for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), MAF, Wellington, New Zealand, 121 pp.
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Zammit, C. and R. Woods, 2011: Projected Climate and River Flow for the Ashley Catchment for 2040 and 2090. NIWA Client Report: CHC2010-160, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Christchurch, New Zealand, 46 pp.
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Zeppel, H. and N. Beaumont, 2011: Green tourism futures: climate change responses by Australian Government tourism agencies. In: CAUTHE 2011: Tourism: Creating a Brilliant Blend [Gross, M.J. (ed.)]. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference:, 8-11 February 2011, University of South Australia, organized by the Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), School of Management, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia, pp. 850-865.
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