Ad-hoc Group on the size, structure and composition of the IPCC Bureau and any Task Force Bureau for the Seventh Assessment cycle

Its mandate is to provide recommendations to the Panel on the size, structure and composition of the IPCC Bureau and any other Task Force Bureau for the Seventh Assessment cycle.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at its 53rd (bis) Session (electronic and written session, 22-26 March) (IPCC-53bis) per Decision IPCC LIIIbis 2.1 established an Ad-hoc Group on Elections (AHGE) to identify proposals to recommend to the Panel on the size, structure and composition of the IPCC Bureau and any other Task Force Bureau for the Seventh Assessment cycle, referring to Rule 7 of Appendix C of the Principles Governing IPCC Work.  

In undertaking its work, the Ad-hoc Group will seek to ensure transparency, inclusiveness and equal opportunity for participation of all its members, noting the importance of the inclusion of the perspectives of developing countries.


Ad-hoc Group Members

Per the Terms of Reference adopted by the Panel, membership is open-ended as to participation of all Members of the IPCC.

  • Letter to IPCC Focal Points to appoint representatives (21 December 2021)