Remarks by the IPCC Chair during the Press Conference presenting the Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, 4 April 2022

First Intervention

We have just heard an important message from United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

The IPCC report before us today is powerful evidence that we have the potential to mitigate climate change.

We are at a crossroads. This is the time for action. We have the tools and know-how required to limit warming and secure a liveable future. 

Today’s report marks the completion of the scientific trilogy. It is the last piece of the three IPCC Working Groups contributions to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

This report provides the most recent scientific knowledge for sound decision-making with unique information about all sectors to complement the regional aspects provided by Working Groups I and II.

It confirms that the IPCC is the authoritative scientific voice of the United Nations on climate change. IPCC is the unique interface between climate science and policy-making.

We will bring closure to the Sixth Assessment Cycle with the Synthesis Report this autumn.

With this, in the period between COP26 in Glasgow and COP27 in Egypt, the IPCC will have provided three vitally important and policy-relevant reports and the Synthesis Report, and will be presenting the findings of these reports, as mandated by last year’s COP in Glasgow. I’m confident that these will be central to the climate talks, decision-making and action on a global, regional and national level.  

Thank you.


Second Intervention

The critically important Working Group III contribution assesses progress made in mitigation and options available for the future. Building on previous reports, it is looking at enabling conditions across sectors and systems in the aspects of the technological, environmental, economic and social dimensions.

The preceding IPCC reports are clear – human-induced climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying. It is a threat to our well-being and all other species.  It is a threat to the health of our entire planet. Any further delay in concerted global climate action will miss a rapidly closing window.

This is the report that gives us options. It offers strategies to tackle the critical questions of our time. How can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions? How can we sequester carbon? How can the buildings, transport, cities, agriculture, livestock, and energy sectors be more sustainable?

This report also tells us the status of global emissions. It shows clearly that we are slipping from a trajectory to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
