Yonghun Jung

Senior Scientist (Based in Republic of Korea)


Dr. Yonghun Jung is currently a professor at Ajou University in Korea. In the past, he served as a Senior Counselor to the Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy of the Republic of Korea.

Dr. Jung has a long experience in international energy and climate change research and diplomacy. Between 1999 and 2009, he had led the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre in Tokyo for 10 years as the Vice President, fostering intra-regional as well as inter-regional energy and environment cooperation. Also, he served as an executive director in charge of energy policy and strategy at Korea Energy Economics Institute and the Secretary-General of the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), an Implementing Agreement under the IEA.

Since the early 1990s, he had participated in UNFCC, IPCC, and other international climate change-related negotiations as a government representative. His current area of research interest includes sustainable development, circular economy, and energy transition.

Dr. Jung holds a Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Rochester, New York.