Presentations and statements made at the UNFCCC, COP-23 – Bonn, Germany, 6-17 November 2017

Opening ceremony of the COP-23, UNFCCC, by Hoesung Lee (IPCC Chair)

File size
November 6, 2017
206 KB

Side Event - Supporting the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

File size
Provisional programme
November 15, 2017
33 KB
Opening remarks to IPCC side event
November 15, 2017
42 KB
IPCC activities: opportunities as expert reviewers and the importance of publishing research
November 15, 2017
2.3 MB
Roles available: chapter scientists and contributing authors
November 15, 2017
1.9 MB
Mexico's experience in raising awareness about the opportunities to be involved in the work of the IPCC
November 15, 2017
1.6 MB